Pelvic Health

Benefit Statement: We Help Restore Your Pelvic Health, Your Confidence, & Independence

Work With An Experienced Specialist
Private Evaluations Centered Around Comfort & Respect
We Take A Holistic Approach To Treatment

Is Pain & Lack Of Control Negatively Impacting Your Life?

  • Tired Of Being Passed From One Provider To Another?
  • Not Sure What’s Causing Your Pain & Dysfunction?
  • Not Quite Sure Who You Should Turn To Next?
  • Having Trouble With Your Daily Activities?

When You See One Of Our Physical Therapy Specialists You Receive:

  • A Private, One-on-One Evaluation & Treatment
  • Internal exams and treatment are provided as needed
  • Receive An Individualized Plan of Care & Personal Education
  • We Offer State-of-the-Art Biofeedback If Needed

You Don’t Need To Suffer In Silence

Contact Us Today At (the phone numbers of the clinics)


We Have Over XX Years (in Brockton PT’s case, it’s 40) Of Combined Experience Treating Pelvic Problems.
Pelvic physical therapy is a specialized type of care that focuses on the function of your pelvic floor & related body systems.

Pelvic Conditions We Commonly Treat

  • Stress urinary incontinence
  • Urge urinary incontinence
  • Fecal incontinence
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Pelvic floor muscle weakness
  • Urinary urgency/frequency
  • Pelvic girdle pain during pregnancy
  • Dyspareunia
  • Vaginismus/pelvic floor spasm
  • Postnatal pain/discomfort
  • Pelvic/abdominal wall pain
  • Pelvic floor pain
  • Post-op weakness or discomfort
  • Constipation
  • Defecatory dystunction
  • Painful bowel movements
  • Voiding dysfunction
  • Vulvodynia
  • Pre/Postpartum Pain
  • Bladder pain

Patient Education & Treatment Approaches

  • Pelvic Floor Muscle Retraining
  • Posture Work
  • Hands-on Manual Therapy
  • Custom Exercise Programs
  • Bladder Retraining
  • Biofeedback
  • Electrical Stimulation
  • Nutrition Counseling
  • Yoga & Pilates
  • Meditation

Get The Help & Care You Deserve

Contact Us Today At (718) 336-4900

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